With over 60, 000 dead, and a million, inflicted by COVID19, why has the Federal Government decided, it's the right time, to, not only reduce/ remove its guidelines, but, encourage states to open - up business, despite the obvious, potential, public health ramifications, and the suggestions of nearly all of its experts? Is this an example of a mere difference of opinion, priorities, or political populism, at its worst? Since the guidelines, which expired, as of midnight, on April 30, 2020, included significant suggestions, such as Social Distancing, using face coverings, avoiding crowds, etc, what might be the possible, undesirable ramifications, of this action. Considering, the apparent timeline, and the lack of relevant, well-considered actions and behaviors, from discovering the virus' existence, in late 2019/ early January 2020, from the Trump Administration, and his articulating, for some time, a message, stating it was a hoax, etc, shouldn't this be concerning? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 possible reasons, this may be occurring.